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Welcome to this ancient personal homepage of mine. Over eons, many changes has it seen, but still it persists.

I am active on twitter via @vanzilar, facebook via my name and less active on instagram, tldr and others via @vanzilar. Been doing SNS since the very beginning however I am not nor desire to be an influencer there. Myspace, ICR, Yahoo Messenger and others etc unfortuately are no longer active and Skype is less and less popular. Line, WhatsApp, and others are also ways to contact me, however with all these endpoints, discord, text messages and linked in are the slowest ways to reach me.

Despite many efforts, this page does not always appear nice on all browsers and all devices. Microple, GOOGasoft and ARPALE never seem to agree on anything, and I wish there were more competitors than just TOR-N, DuckDuckGoAway, Mozilla-Gadzooki and OperaNotASinger... boring!!

Links within my spider web:


To boldly go where I have gone before...

Kanazawa Institute of Technology
A university in Japan.
My Favorite Internet Site.
The Defiant
A Spaceship that is lost in the Gamma Quadrant.



Address in America

Japanese Address


Telephone #

(America, NYC)



This page used to be under constant remodeling but is now very dusty.
It contains a list of some friends, family, and teachers.
All of these groups have too many members to fit all of them
If you qualify and feel left out, contact me and you can get in also.
At present this page is collecting dust while I concern myself with other matters and massless things.

Off you can go to the friends page.


Here is a loquacious version of my resume.

Media Madness

Flip up to the Top of this page.
Here is another link to where.
The old group page at Kanazawa is gone forever! (Actually I didn't like it anyway!).


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