The Christian Science Organization at Cornell

welcomes you to:

join us in testimonial meetings to share and discuss how the Bible brings healing into our daily lives.

Every Thursday at 7:00 PM (See below for summer schedule)
Founders Room , Anabel Taylor Hall
on the Cornell University Campus.
during the academic year
All are also always welcome to use Room G-20 in Anabel Taylor Hall to: The key to this room is kept in our mailbox in the Anabel Taylor Hall building office.
Summer Information: A Past Lecture:
For Alumni who have not received the Alumni Letter. Please update your mailing address by e-mail, so we can get the next one out to you.

Some Other Christian Science Links:
Return to Cornell University (CUINFO)

This page was last revised on May 21, 1998.
If you are an Alumni, member, or friend of the Org, and wish to update your address with us, send us an e-mail

The Metaphysical Topic

"God's inexhaustible fount is free to all"