Like Japanese animated films and TV shows, the music of Star Trek is a key to its success. Even the short tune that Mr. Stewart plays on the flute in the Katan and later when he meets the piano/weather girl episodes is quite a masterpiece in itself. I love playing it from memory on my clarinet and flute.
One of the best episodes I have seen is definitely the episode when Sisco (Mr. Brooks) gets trapped in some sort of anomaly and Jake (Mr. Lofton) must live his life dealing with his fathers disappearance. Like some good Abarenbo Shogun (a Japanese show) episodes, it brought tears to my eyes.
Star Trek and later Deep Space 9, and even more recently Voyager, but especially Deep Space 9 I have a large debt to. Deep Space 9 helped me both as the only show (and ST:TNG too) I watched while away in college. It was an escape from classes. A chance to relax and see physics in action, besides just in the laboratories. A chance to put to use my knowledge of literature, and deal with real issues hidden in a great series like racism, politics, war, love, hate, anger, religion, and all sorts of stuff. Also helps pass all those grueling Engineering Physics tests by giving me answers and by letting me relax.
The "Bald people are people too" message is cool too, but I am not bald.
A chance for a role model in Jake Sisco (Cirroc Lofton) who like me had trouble deciding what to do with his life. He chooses to start out in Literature and imagination. In my favorite episode he also does physics. This contrasts with me who started out in physics and will probably one day end up writing novels (in Japanese?).
Also I am very grateful to the character of Cpt. Janeway for loving Quantum Mechanics and not being afraid to show it. COME OUT OF THE CLOSET, ALL YOU Q.M. LOVERS. And to the actor who plays Neelix for finally getting a chance to use all the techno babble and liking it. Actually that babble is often REAL PHYSICS TERMS! Not made up. There are anyons, neutrinos, Z particles, and theoretical tachyons (well maybe), and they are useful. Z particles are very very interesting! (They can be looked at as part photon, part something else well..., oh well I won't explain it any further)
I have noticed that a few years ago everyone said how bad Deep Space 9 was and how great Voyager was. At the time, I would say I liked Deep Space 9 better. But now I hold them about equally in my esteem.
Suddenly this year (1997) I return to America, and everyone loves Deep Space 9 and hates Voyager. What happened while I was in Japan. Back in 1996 (and before that) I used to be the only one watching Deep Space 9, while Voyager drew crowds. Now I am alone when I watch Voyager and in a crowd when I watch Deep Space 9. This is a mystery to me!
Two 1997 episodes deserve special citation. There was a Voyager episode which brought out the power of thought in a telepathic society. Keeping a hold on ones thoughts is just as important in our society which contains but few people who have learned to use their telepathic abilities, as in a fully telepathic society.
The other episode was one where Dr. Bashir gets to party with other genetically engineered people. I wish I had a bunch of people who thought like me to party with. But everyone is usually too slow or on another wavelength, or they are just close minded, its always one of the three. That show also brought out how it is impossible to predict every outcome because in real life there are many unknown variables.
Haven't updated this in years... Enterprise has come and went and due to air time differences I am still waiting to see most of the last season only being to get some of them off of TV or the internet. The actors on Enterprise were for the most part top rate.... too bad the network axed it. It would have probably had a much bigger audience than DS9 by the 5th season . But now Scifi is airing the show again so I'll get to see the last episode. Among my favorites is of course one of the many time travel episodes where they meet the Enterprise commanded but Lt T'Pol's son, cause I love Quantum mechanics and trying to imagine what time travel with be like. Everything hinges on getting to the point in our own world where simple temporal experiments can be done. It'll probably start in the next 25 years or so.... none of my ideas will do it but maybe someone else can come up with a way. But I think I can reformulate Quantum Mechanics in a different way but I don't see any new discoveries stemming from it but who knows. The key question for time travel is if you send something back in time.... does it enter an alternate time line or is there only one time line. That's the big question and it will take quite a few experiments to be sure but probably simple ones. Well anyway I love Archer and Merriweather and Flox those 3 were the cream of the crop. And the rest of the actors were close to that or at least very good....
And after Enterprise, the newest Star Trek show Hidden Frontier is now coming to a close. My favorite episode I think was the remake of Yesterday's Enterprise called Yesterday's Excelsior. That was a lot of fun. I also enjoyed the non-native hard to understand Japanese (cause it was done with American accents and to speak Japanese you need a Japanese accent). I was sad to see Admiral Cole kick the bucket a few episodes but I doubt they'll bring her back... I'll ask some of the HF people one day if she's coming back or not. That was sad.... as sad as Data or Spock or Kirk getting killed.
And though I am not credited... I am in the audience at the wedding in the last HF episode (at last on Star Trek). Me and Armin made the bubbles afterwards, under Rob's direction. Now HF has given way to the Helena Chronicles and Andromeda Galaxy stuff. Hope to be on some of the episodes one day too.
And now the new Star Trek movie with all the young actors is in production. Its coming out eventually.
If you want to follow someone on twitter from any Star Trek.... Spock (may he RIP), Odo or La Forge are the best, followed by good old Picard. Brent Spiner is also a great one to follow, but his humor is very dry, martini dry.
Last Updated: July 20,1999.