Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need. |
-Mary Baker Eddy |
Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free. | -Christ Jesus |
I have heard individuals say that their religion is the only true religion. Others say that there is no true religion. Then there are those like me who KNOW that, this is a moot point. This is a pointless argument!
All religions have the potential to be a true religion for someone at some stage of development from a certain POINT OF VIEW. I love how Ben Kenobi says in Star Wars something like, "Everything is the truth from a certain point of view." Never put down a religion, you just have to see it from the "true believer's point of view." Then you will stop flaming other people's religions for being false, which is just a waste of time for the flamer and the flamee.
Yes, Christian Science is different from most religions. We go about healing people and performing "miracles." But so? I know Jews, Christians, and people of the Tenrikyo faith who can do the same thing. Its from God, not a religion. God is a God of people, and all life, and ALL. He doesn't care who you are, we are all EQUAL in his eyes. No I do not know any Buddhists, or people of Islamic faith who go about healing only because I do not know many Buddhists or Moslems, but I am sure they do also, along with most other (if not all) religions!
Some things that are called religions are in fact FALSE. But where to draw that line can be very difficult. And they may be in fact true religions from a certain point of view. I can in no way condone the actions of the leaders of the Aum Shinrikyo, but nor can I condone the actions of some Christian Leaders, such as Pope Julius (?) who took the church to war. But did Julius's action mean that Christianity was false? I dare say, NO!
The biggest difference between various religions is the language we use. Most religions use DIFFERENT WORDS, to express DIFFERENT CONCEPTS. If you talk with someone of another religion without understanding THE MEANINGS THEY ASSOCIATE with their WORDS, it is very difficult to reach an understanding. What you must do is trust GOD, listen, and GOD will explain what to do!
But as for Christian Science there is a reason that I follow it. It is because at least to my knowledge it is the only religion that has the potential (if you actually follow the teachings) to systematically heal and grow closer to God for any person, not just someone with a particular point of view. Our eyes and ears and so dulled by the roar of materialism that even seekers do not find Christian Science. I have even met some Christian Scientists who do not see Christian Science for what it is. It is actually primitive Christianity (Christianity the way Jesus taught it).... which is the same religion that Moses, Elijah and Elisha tried to teach, but only Jesus succeeded. Christianity was lost over the years and its ability to heal (with what is called the Holy Ghost ... but is actually nothing like that) was lost. The book called Science and Health that we use is merely a reiteration of what is already written in the Bible in a form that people from our time can understand, and we must be careful not to anthropomorphize and ritualize it the way that most forms of Judaism and Christianity have been.
So many situations need different solutions... and the same seeming problem may need to be handled differently on different occasions. Remember that Jesus did not always forgive sins to heal, he didn't follow a set pattern nor did his disciples.
The Reader Prays
Dear God, this is a sacred, selfless hour.
May I be clothed with Christ's humility
And know Thine is the glory and the power,
Not person but Thy likeness may men see.
I cannot fear while I am serving Thee
That any will power can do me wrong.
The desk - the very place I love to be -
Is not a target but a fortress strong.
Lord, bless the ones that gather here today,
Who reach out for the Truth to make them free.
For each heart filled with suffering or dismay,
Must drop its burdens, healed while praising Thee.
I pray Thy voice and only Thine be heard,
That rings out with Thy love so clear and sweet,
It gives the perfect meaning of Thy Word -
For I, too, listen humbly at Thy feet.
Another useful poem
I see myself as God's own child
perfect in his sight.
I see my fellow man as well
a perfect child of light.
I see him seeing me
see him aright.
And some closing words
Remember the wise words of Yoda which I shall paraphrase as:"There is no try, DO."and the wise words of Robin from the Muppet Christmas Special (1988)
"Its in every one of us
To be Wise
Find Your Heart
Open Up Both Your Eyes
We can all Love Everything
Without ever knowing why
Its in every one of us..."