Martial Arts
Purpose:By using the opponent's
power (through passiveness, and stuning by striking at a vital point) become able to
control the opponent.
After that one can throw the opponent.
Hands/feet:Uses hands a lot.
Weapons: Hand, stick...
Forbidden:Punches and Kicks.
Others:Movement is important.
Aikido Link 1 (
Aikido Link 2
( Ki-Aikido Club
Tae Kwon Do
Purpose:It requires the use of hands and feet without
weapons. The main goal of Tae Kwon Do is to achieve total mind and body control.
Hands/feet:Both hands and feet.
Forbidden:Throws and sweeps.
Others:From Korea.
Buzz Martial Arts
MIT Tae Kwon Do Club
( Johns Hopkins
University Tae Kwon Do Club
(On this web site)Paul's Tae Kwon Do Page
Purpose:Originally meant for war but this varies from
school to school tremendously.
Hands/feet:Both hands and feet.
Weapons:It depends on the school.
Forbidden: It depends on the school.
Others: It depends on the school.
Karate Link 1 (BROKEN) (
Karate Link 2
( Japan and Okinawan Karate
Purpose:To become perfect.In order to topple the
opponent without using your own strength, use the opponents strengrth against him.
Hands/feet:Uses hands and feet and the whole body and
uses throws.
Forbidden:There are many rules.
Others:A partner is necessary. It is a sport. Chokes
and throws are important.
Judo Link 1
( Hansson's Homepage
Judo Link 2 (
Judo Link 3
( Info by Bjorn Stabell
Judo Link 4 (
is Judo?
Purpose:To become a better person.
Hands/feet:Holding a sword in the hand.
Weapons:Sword (usually wood)
Forbidden:I don't know.
Others:Its a sport
Kendo Link
(, The Way of the Sword by Akihito Abe
Picture Gallery
Ricos land of Martial Arts
with Pictures (
Full Search Engine Resource (VERY GOOD)
Jay Swan's
Martial Arts Page (
If you find any error on this page, contact immediately.