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These conferences take place in Japan and America alternating every year. They take place in the summer time. 1998 will be in America. JASC is loads of fun, and you get an opportunity to speak to American and Japanese students about many interesting topics which vary from year to year. I have heard nothing but praises for the program, but unfortunately I never had a chance to attend. Many students get full scholarships so money is no problem.
Time frame:July 20-Aug 19
Required Japanese: None.
Contact Information:Japan-America Student Conference
2nd Floor
606 18th Street N.W.
Washington D.C. 20006
tel. (202)289-4231
fax. (202)789-8265
For more Study Abroad info, visit, the Cornell Study Abroad office, or the Cornell Abroad Home page.
(Last Update: January 27, 1998)