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CJAS: Cornell Japanese Animation Society
This club is an excellent way to learn to speak Japanese casually. Most structured classes teach formal (distal) style Japanese.
Watching anime allows you to pick up Japanese the way Japanese children do, including slang, and body language as well as Japanese culture.
CJAS tends not to show the more violent and sexually explicit anime, which has less dialogue and thus is less useful for learning Japanese anyway.
In addition, some of the CJAS anime collection is kept in Krotch library for anyone to view anytime.
CJAS includes a Manga club as well for reading Japanese manga (one written form of anime).
Anime is sometimes called manga in Japan, but written manga are never called anime.
PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THE LDs OR VIDEOS HOME. They are ours, not Cornell's!
If you view the LDs or tapes be careful with them, they are not Cornell property and cannot be easily replaced. (And as for Cornell materials they cannot be easily replaced either. Never write in library materials or slice out pictures or pages! NEVER!)
Fees: Optional $15 per year (or 10$ per semester).
Time frame: FA/SP 8:00PM- Goldwin Smith D SAT (ANIME)
FA/SP 8:00PM- TUES Big Red Barn (Manga).
Summer: T.B.A.
Required Japanese: None.
Contact Information: CJAS Web page, cornell.rec.anime (Newsgroup)
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(Last Update: January 27, 1998)